Announcing the PacifiGo Perennial
Hey everyone! Some of you may be aware that I’m closely tied to the Queensland Go Society and the Brisbane Go Club – in fact, trying to sort out equipment for them is what led to PacifiGo in the first place. The QGS and BGC generally try to have a tournament roughly every 2 months or so. Doesn’t always work out, especially lately, but that’s the goal. In 2019 the Mainland Chinese Society of Queensland (MCSQ) sponsored a tournament. We ran it, everyone had fun, we had an unexpected tie for 3rd place in the Open Division despite having 3 layers of tie-breakers, good times. However, while I can’t confirm…
New Logo!
Hey all! It’s been a minute. But I’m just so excited about our new logo – designed by the excellent Alex Clelland – that I wanted to show it off to you all! I’ve ordered new business cards with the new information on them – actually pointing to this page, with the correct e-mail address etc, so hopefully that’ll make things easier for people XD I just want to spend a little time talking about Alex. It’s not exactly a stretch to say that I’m not the most artistic or creative person in existence. It’d be quite fair to say I’m quite bad at it (exhibit A, the website itself.…
Black Bowls?
So, I was contacting one of the suppliers, looking to restock some stones and bowls, and they mentioned that in addition to the usual brown jujube bowls, they also some some lovely black ones! What to stock is always a bit of guesswork for me. If something sells a lot, I obviously try to keep it in stock, but with new things? Always a bit of a gamble. So I’m asking you! What do you think? Would you buy these, or would you prefer the dark brown ones?
2020 Australian Go Census Data
So the 2020 Australian Go Census has come to an end. The anonymised data can be found here. Honestly, I’m not thrilled with this dataset. I was trying to streamline the process, but looking at it I think I lost more than I gained. The Limesurvey system is fine, but the way it handles data exporting and managing is awkward at best. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by Qualtrics, I don’t know. But more precisely what bothers me about this dataset comes down to the size. In usual, when you run a survey like this, you get a number of completed responses, and maybe double that number in partial responses –…
Spreading the Love
TL;DR: I’d like to donate a portion of the gross income of PacifiGo to organisations that will do good in the world. Details still to be worked out. Asking for thoughts. So, as it says on the “My Story” part of the page, a large part of the reason I started PacifiGo in the first place is because I honestly, sincerely believe that the sheer cost of buying go sets that aren’t awful puts a lot of people, who would have otherwise really enjoyed the game, off getting more into it. Maybe they can’t afford it, maybe they figure dropping $400 on a set for a game that they like…
Officially Live!
This website has been a labour of love – and stubbornness, and frustration – for almost a year now, but I am finally able to say, with a reasonable degree of certainty, that this website is now live and able to accept orders. As of yesterday, it has successfully processed both an order and an international order! Very glad to have reached this level, and again, it couldn’t have happened without Genius Girlfriend 2D’s endless patience and work. And of course your support!
2020 Australian Go Census
So, the website is in a much better shape than it was – many thanks to Genius Girlfriend 2D! But that’s not what I’m writing about today. No, today I’m writing to tell you about the 2020 Australian Go Census. This is an annual survey I run, trying to get a picture of who is playing go in Australia over the last 12 months, where they’re playing, what gets in the way of playing, what they’d like to see done, etc. This is entirely voluntary and anonymous, of course – the most identifying questions asked are gender, age and state of residence, and all of those questions are optional. In…
The Joy of Website Design
You know what's surprisingly tricky? Website design, set-up and maintenance. You know what makes it harder?