Biggest Tournament Blunders?
One of the things I like about online tournaments, especially organised by clubs or bodies like the QGS or the New Zealand Go Society, is that you play against people you never would otherwise. I was watching such a game today. The New Zealand Digital Tournament is on currently (and I’m participating!), and a friend of mine (a 40+ year old living in Brisbane) had their match against a 10 year old from New Zealand. The 10 year old (who I’ll call Felix, and was playing White) had my friend (who I’ll call Horatio, playing Black) dead to rights – he was up by about 40 points, and Horatio had…
Aesthetic Go
So, you have probably noticed there’s a fair amount of go media on the Interwebz – between go channels like Dwyrin and Haylee, forums like Life in 19×19, journals like The American Go E-Journal, we’re kind of spoiled for choice. Only I’ve noticed something. Maybe this is just my bias talking, but it seems to me that the vast majority of that focuses on the more cognitive aspects of the game – solving problems, understanding sequences, order of play, basically “how to play go well/better”. Which is obviously fine and dandy, nothing wrong with that at all, it’s a legitimate part of the game and culture. But as any go…