DAKTECH Cup 2022 Announcement!

The 2022 DAKTECH Cup is now open for registrations! Run in order to raise money for Rare Cancers Australia, this is a tournament open to players from Australia or New Zealand – always fun, I like playing players from different clubs and regions – they have new tricks to learn, and my old tricks sometimes even work!

This tournament is conceived and managed by Townsville Go Club convenor (and personal friend) Colton Tinkey, who is an absolute stand-up guy, so go and support his efforts to help the world!

Entry is a minimum $15 donation to Rare Cancers Australia – the link above is probably the easiest way. There have been some reports that Firefox can make the site twitch for some reason (not sure why at this point), which is unfortunate, but I’m sure if you’re concerned about all the problems with Chrome (privacy issues, memory hog being the main two that bother me) you can just call Rare Cancers up and donate via card on the phone, and get them to e-mail you a receipt or something. So this is potentially annoying, but manageable if it’s a problem for you.

Note that the $15 above is a minimum – if you want to donate more, go for it, that’d be amazing to see go becoming known as a powerhouse for positive social change!

More details can be found here, or at the document linked above.

I’ll be taking part, so I hope to see as many of you participating as possible!

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