
  • We’re back!

    Heyo! Sorry about the long, long delay – it’s been A Time. Short version: Melbourne is an awful city to do business in – everyone is either incompetent, criminal, or extremely expensive, and all three is certainly common. Combine that with PhD and other personal stuff, and it’s taken a lot longer than expected. But, you’re not interested in my woes. We are now accepting orders again (if you have any problems, reach out via e-mail or Signal), and while there’s still some awkwardness on the back end which might lead to some delays for the next couple weeks, I should be able to get them sent off relatively quickly.…

  • Box price woes

    Just a quick update. I’m very much still intending to re-open PacifiGo ASAP, the main slowdown at this point is finding a company to make custom boxes for shipping (go stuff tends to be an awkward shape and size, necessitating this step). Normally this is fine, there’s a few which do it, but the two I’ve managed to drag numbers out of so far have given $14 and $17 per box. I cannot absorb that price, and I doubt you’d be willing to pay that. For comparison, the last place was closer to $1 to $3 per box. That price does come down if you order more, but if you’re…

  • Paused but not dead

    So, a few days ago I put up a post saying that the odds of PacifiGo continuing to run in anything resembling its current form were quite slim. Well, sometimes slim odds come up. Short version: I managed to figure a way to make the numbers less horrendous, and I will be continuing PacifiGo from Melbourne. There will be a hiatus during the move and re-organisation (I’ve disabled payment options on orders so you shouldn’t be able to complete any, and any that slip through I’ll just cancel and refund when I have a moment), and possibly a price increase to help absorb some increased costs, but we’ll see how…

  • PacifiGo Closing Down

    For reasons that don’t matter here, I will be moving to Melbourne from Brisbane in the very near future. Nearer than I’d like, but one downside of the housing crisis is timeframes get super-squeezed. As in, the end of next week. For years I’ve run PacifiGo essentially out of my garage, in large part because as much as I genuinely believe PacifiGo has helped people get into go by providing a way to get decent quality sets at a reasonable price, it doesn’t make nearly enough to justify paying for storage. This has been fine. However, the place I have ended up in Melbourne does not have workable storage sufficient…

  • Money troubles

    Hey everyone! So it has eventuated that there’s a chance I will need to move states in a few months. It’s not settled for sure yet, but the chances are substantial enough that I need to start working out potential logistics. In itself this isn’t terribly interesting to any of you, but it does create a logistical problem for me. See, at the moment, I store the stock in my garage – I don’t do enough business to pay for a storage unit big enough (boards are seriously bulky), and I don’t really need the space anyway. However, if I’m moving, I can’t guarantee I’ll have access to a garage…

  • How Your Data is Protected

    So a few minutes ago I received an e-mail claiming that the website was hacked, and the hackers were going to destroy my reputation by selling all the customer’s information and so on and so forth unless I paid them. At this time, I have zero reason to believe the e-mail is truthful; I see no signs of tampering, the passwords are all the same (although I have changed them just to be super-safe), no unusual activity etc. As a result, I have a high confidence that it’s one of those scam e-mails that says “we have damaging information, give us money or we’ll release it” when they don’t have…

  • Classifieds section

    So, I’ve spoken to a few people over the last few weeks who want to teach go, or set up a club, or whatever, but there isn’t a workable platform to present. You could use social media, but that has problems with privacy or unfair moderation or algorithmic weirdness or simply being able to find your listings in the infinite scroll. You could use pages like GumTree, but they’ll do things like remove your listing and ban you, and refuse to say why even when asked. So, as part of the ongoing process of promoting go and helping the go community, I’ve set up a Classifieds section on this website.…

  • Gunbu no Pair Go

    So people come to know about go through many different means. For me, it was a combination of the local go club coming to a board game club I was a part of, and the anime Hikaru no Go. For others, it was either the AlphaGo games, or the documentary surrounding it. But either way, it seems clear that media is a major potential tool in letting people know about this game we all love so much. Which is part of why I’m so excited to see yet another go manga coming out, namely Gunbu no Pair Go (first chapter freely available at the link, albeit in Japanese – hopefully…

  • PacifiGo Perennial

    It is my very great pleasure to announce the second annual PacifiGo Perennial on the 28th of May, 2022! This is an annual tournament we run in partnership with the Queensland Go Society, in which we cover all the costs of the tournament (entry, medals, venue rent) in order to have a tournament that anyone can participate in without worrying about cost! It’s a one-day tournament, so you don’t need to dedicate an entire weekend (I’m looking at you, Open division players who take time to think). Details still to be finalised (post will update as needed), but here’s what’s decided so far: Date: 28th May, 2022Time: Registration opens 9:30am,…

  • Experience Korea festival

    Hey all! Just a quick note that this weekend (the 23rd of April, 2022) I will be teaming up with the Queensland Go Society to have a stall at the Experience Korea festival at Kuraby from 10am to 3pm. I will mostly be teaching people about go (well, baduk), but also – because I’m a filthy capitalist who likes paying bills – will be selling go sets to innocent passers-by new players! The event looks like it’ll be a lot of fun – if poorly publicised – so drop by and say hi!